Candidate Screening made simpler

Say goodbye to traditional interviews and hello to efficiency!
one click
A One click Sandbox for task based interview in any cloud provider

Extensive repository of Q&A covering all major disciplines/technologies

We have more than 9000+ detail technical questions and answers covering all disciplines.

Why we exist?

  • Cost - Full interview loops are expensive, easily exceeding $1500 and 5 hours of engineers time per candiate.

  • Time and Effort - Effective interview prep requires substantial time and effort commitment.

  • Broad Surface Area - For full-stack engineers and DevOps roles, knowledge surface area is significantly broad.

  • AI - When most of the code is written by Github CoPilot, conventional coding interviews are outdated.

  • Trust - Certifications may be unreliable due to the prevalence of proxy test-taking services.


What are Alternatives?

  • Interviews - Conduct task-based interviews in a fully-equipped cloud environment
  • Task - Assign tasks reflective of actual engineering roles.
  • Question Bank - Utilize an extensive question bank that covers all the key expertise areas for a given role.

The Gap

Many coding platforms are outdated due to readily available IDEs online and ChatGPT's capability to write code.
Cloud sandbox environments are offered by some providers, but they tend to be costly and require monthly commitments.
Question Bank
There is a lack of comprehensive question banks to adequately cover all expertise areas.

Value we bring

1. Efficiency

AnzioLabs streamlines tech interviews, ensuring they are efficient and precise.

2. Fair Assessment

The platform significantly reduces subjectivity and bias in the hiring process.

3. Trust

Enhances the trust in candidates selected for the full interview loop.

4. Pricing

Provide Huge saving by efficiently selecting the right candidate. No surprises left for day one.

How do we do it?


Easy On-boarding:- AnzioLabs offers a user-friendly on-boarding, allowing you to become operational in under 2 minutes


Huge Question Bank:-There is a vast repository of Q&A covering all major certifications. We have more than 9000+ detail technical questions and answers covering all major engineering disciplines.


Sandbox in all major cloud provider:-By just a click, enable real-world evaluation using actual tools and tasks in a cloud sandbox environment of your choice.

How we do it